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Maths Zone
At Tidbury Green, we are Maths crazy!
At Tidbury Green, we recognise that maths is a part of our daily life and so we strive for our children to become confident mathematicians and life-long learners. We follow the National Curriculum (2014) and ensure that our lessons, underpinned by the White Rose Scheme, are routinely planned to incorporate the three aims of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
The way we calculate in school today may be different to the strategies and methods you were taught so here are the mental strategies and written methods used by each class so that you can support your child at home:
Year 1 Written Methods and Year 1 Mental Strategies
Year 2 Written Methods and Year 2 Mental Strategies
Year 3 Written Methods and Year 3 Mental Strategies
Year 4 Written Methods and Year 4 Mental Strategies
Year 5 Written Methods and Year 5 Mental Strategies
Year 6 Written Methods and Year 6 Mental Strategies
Mathematical Vocabulary - Here are some key words to use when talking about different mathematical symbols.
Please support your child to learn the Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) for their year group. A new KIRF will be sent out each half term.
Times tables
Learning multiplication facts are extremely important in Mathematics. It not only makes mental arithmetic easier but also enables children to understand relationships between numbers and grasp more complex methods quickly. In Year 4, children will also complete a ‘Multiplication Times Table Check’ so practise and preparation is vital to improve children’s knowledge of times tables and confidence to answer these type of questions.
Here are some useful websites to help us with our Maths, just click on the links below.
Numbots - a brilliant site for EYFS and KS1 pupils exploring number.
TT Rockstars – a fun site for Y2-6 to practise your times tables. Which rock star will you be?
BBC Bitesize - these Bitesize pages provide revision tips and support for those children in Years 2 and 6 sitting their SATS!
Maths is Fun - a great website at explaining concepts to children and providing activities to develop their learning further.
Primary Games - these sites provide games and puzzles!
Why not let the spinner decide....