Tidbury Green School

Tidbury Green School

Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School Life at Tidbury Green School

Tidbury Green Pre-school


   Little Wrens

Tidbury Green School is proud to offer an extensive Early Years provision to give children the best start in life and support families in our community. We strive to ensure children learn in a safe, secure and stimulating environment. It is our priority to develop positive relationships with your child, that they communicate effectively and they make lots of friends.                                             

 Our experienced and friendly Early Years staff work closely with families to understand the needs of your child and provide them with a curriculum that offers first hand experiences and challenges them appropriate to their individual development. We love to play, talk, listen, read, sing, dance, create, eat, drink, explore and investigate with every child to make a magical childhood experience.                                         

Little Wrens is our engaging preschool for 3 year-old children. Our experienced Early Years staff monitor the children’s development closely and they have an excellent understanding on how to get them ‘school ready’. We play with your child to develop their independence, involvement and concentration. We carefully plan activities based around the child’s interests to promote curiosity and spark conversations. We model language in our play and interactions with your child to develop and extend their vocabulary - there are always opportunities to talk. When we work and play with your child we promote kindness, helpfulness and cooperation. Everyone enjoys working and playing together.



Our large indoor classroom gives each child the freedom to use a range of resources and encourage groups of children to get involved and develop social skills, self-awareness and confidence. Our rich curriculum is book based to open up new worlds and experiences, while extending the children’s vocabulary and language. We teach children to listen and talk about their own experiences in small groups. We introduce phonics and integrate pre-reading skills into activities and small group teaching. Little Wrens take every opportunity to work outside and learn in our outdoor classroom and in our weekly Forest School sessions. Our Preschool joins up with the school to participate in Christmas Plays and special occasions throughout the year.

We have good relationships with our parents and we like to share with you your child’s achievements from the day. We continue to share experiences through ‘Parent Share’ and meet termly to discuss your child’s progress. Please read our Little Wrens page on this website for up to date advice for parents and information on the topics we are learning together.

Children who are aged 3 by 31st August are eligible for admissions into our Foundation Stage Nursery Unit in the September. Children who attend Little Wrens will have priority on the places offered. Please see our admissions criteria on the website.

Preschool Times

For all settings the standard time for a full day is 9.00 a.m to 3.15 p.m. There is an option to add on additional bookings from 7.30 a.m up to 6.00 p.m.

For Little Wrens we offer a half day option of 9.00 a.m to 11.45 a.m or 12.15 p.m to 3.15 p.m.

School Meals

Our meals are provided by Solihull Catering Service. Meals are healthy and carefully planned with high quality ingredients, menus are available on our website.


Little Wrens

Full day (9.00 am to 3.15 pm)                      £36.00

Mornings (9.00 am to 12.00 am)                  £17.00

Afternoons (12:15 am to 15.15 pm)             £17.00

This price includes a snack only, school meals can be requested or a packed lunch can be brought in. Nappies, wipes, creams and suncream must be provided by the parent/carer.

Additional hours to be added on if required:

7.30 a.m to 8.45 a.m                                       £5.50

8.00 a.m to 8.45 a.m                                       £4.50

3.15 p.m to 4.45 p.m                                       £7.00

3.15 p.m to 6.00 p.m                                       £11.00


Funding may be available for the term after your child is 2:

Free Childcare Places for 2 year olds | solihull.gov.uk

2 year old 15 hours funded sessions are only available from 09.00 a.m to 12.00 a.m Monday to Friday. There are no meals provided for any funded places.

Funding may be available for the term after your child is 3:

Early education funding and childcare for under fives (solihull.gov.uk)

You may be eligible for 3 year old 15 hours funded sessions, these are available from 8.55 a.m to 11.45 a.m Monday to Friday. There are no meals provided for any funded places.

You may be eligible for 3 year old 30 hours funded sessions, these are available from 8.55 a.m to 3.25 p.m Monday to Friday. There are no meals provided for any funded places and a charge of £2.00 per day is payable for lunchtime supervision. This charge is payable as one termly payment regardless of the amount of days your child is in. Hot meals can be provided by our school kitchen at a cost of £2.15 per day. Alternatively, your child can bring a packed lunch in a clearly labelled lunch bag.

