ECO Committee
Our ECO code:
Think green, act green, be green at Tidbury Green.
Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a simple framework to help make sustainability an integral part of school life. Eco-Schools can help enhance the curriculum and get the whole school united behind something important. At Tidbury Green, we are proud of our Green Flag award status.
Each class have an elected member to be part of the ECO team who have the responsibility of ensuring their class follow the Tidbury Green code. We have light monitors in each class, food waste bins around school (including the staffroom), new bins to prevent litter and caring for the environment.
The Eco reps help to carry out an audit to assess the environmental performance of the school. In agreement with the rest of the school and the wider community, it is the Eco reps that decide the environmental themes they want to address and how they are going to do it. Measuring and monitoring is an integral part of the Eco-Schools programme, providing the evidence we need to showcase our environmental success. In fact, Eco-Schools can fit into virtually all aspects of the curriculum and help to make learning, both inside and outside the classroom, fun and engaging.
There are ten areas and they are:
- Water
- Waste
- Recycle
- Biodiversity
- Electricity
- Transport
- School grounds
- Marine
- Global citizen ship
- Healthy eating
These areas are taught through our curriculum and our hidden curriculum. Children being responsible for their own actions and the affect, not only their immediate environment but globally too. This creates green behaviours in our children and those connected to them so that good habits learned in schools are followed through into homes and communities. This is all underpinned by our belief at Tidbury Green we are responsible for developing confident, capable, life-long learners.
Please view our termly newsletter to catch up on what the ECO team have been up to and any changes. If you have any ideas or know anybody who can help support us, please contact Miss Murphy or Mrs Jennings via the school office.
We are very proud of our Green Flag Award status
ECO Newsletters
- Autumn Term 2019
- Spring Term 2020
- Autumn Term 2020
- Summer 2021
- Autumn 2022
- Spring 2023
- Summer 2023
- Autumn 2023
- Spring 2024
- Summer 2024